Easily Deploy A Seneca Microservice to ECS with Wercker and Terraform: Part I

Among the many players in the continious integration & deployment SaaS providers, I recently discovered Wercker:

Build apps faster. Release often. Automate all the things.

Wercker's docker stack and pipeline concept are not dissimilar to CodeShip's own docker offering, however Wercker provides a free level of usage for public repositories to use their docker stack (CodeShip's is still in closed beta). Further, Wercker users can create and share their own steps that help you create a unique CI/CD pipeline.

The following tutorial will show you how easy it is to create various Wercker pipelines to develop, test, build and deploy a simple Seneca-based microservice to Amazon's Elastic Container Service (ECS) using Hashicorp's Terraform for dynamically creating the required infrastructure (IaaS).


To complete this tutorial, you will need to provision Amazon Web Services infrastructure and you will need to create an account. Please make sure to destroy any resources you create during this as you will be charged real money ($$) if you forget to leave up any of what follows, and I wouldn't want you to receive a surprise bill from Amazon at the end of the month for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

For the sake of simplicity, I will be using MacOS related tooling below. If you are on Windows or Linux things may be easier or more difficult depending on the task at hand. If you are having issues, feel free to hit me up on twitter for any help I might be able to provide.


In order to complete this tutorial, you will need the following:

If you are using homebrew on OSX:

$ brew update && brew install docker docker-machine terraform wercker-cli awscli

Check Out Project

To get started, you will need to clone the demo project:

$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:/chiefy/wercker-node-ecs-demo

Pipelines, Steps and Boxes

Wercker's YAML definition allows you to specify various steps such as npm-install or script inside pre-defined pipelines (dev, build and deploy). When you push a code change to a linked repository, Wercker will automagically run your build pipeline inside a specified box and upon success, deploy using the deploy pipeline (this needs to be explicity setup on the Wercker website). A box is simply a docker image where Wercker runs a pipeline. Boxes can be defined on a per-pipeline or global basis, but there must be a box definition for each pipeline (or a global), otherwise Wercker will have problems and die.

The Dev Pipeline

Our sample app here is a microservice written in node utilizing the great Seneca framework. I am not going to go into a lot of detail of what a microservice is, but for this example it is a simple web service that looks up a movie by title which is stored in redis.

wercker uses a YAML file for all of its orchestration definition and config.

  id: quay.io/chiefy/alpine-nodejs
  tag: 4.3.0
  registry: https://quay.io
  cmd: /bin/sh

    - redis
    - script:
      name: set env vars
      code: |
        export NODE_ENV=development
        export SVC_REDIS_HOST=${REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR}

    - script:
      name: npm rebuild
      code: npm rebuild

    - internal/watch:
      code: node index.js
      reload: true

The first thing to note here is that we have defined the dev pipeline, which, just as it sounds is to setup our service to run locally for development. Each pipeline can have multiple services and steps to get it up and running. For our example, we are using Redis as the data store. Much like docker-compose, we simply tell Wercker the name of the docker image we want the service to use, and it will run it.


Each Wercker pipeline can use a specific docker image to run inside of, or it can use a globally defined box. For our example we are going to use a global box definition. chiefy/alpine-nodejs is just Alpine Linux with statically compiled node binary (npm included). This will be important in a later step. Because by default Alpine does not ship with bash, we override the default cmd. With any bash enabled image, this would not be needed.

Linking Services

Unlike docker-compose, Wercker does not have the concept of linking containers using their /etc/hosts. Wercker exposes various environment variables that you can instead use to link services between running containers. The environment variables are set in the following format:

<container name>_PORT_<port>_<protocol>_ADDR
<container name>_PORT_<port>_<protocol>_PORT
<container name>_PORT_<port>_<protocol>_PROTO

// any other env vars exposed from within the container
// will be exposed in this format

Note that we set our own environment variable SVC_REDIS_HOST in the second script step in order to provide our app configuration for redis. The node app uses node-config for configuration and opening config/custom-environment-variables.yml, you will see this is where our app picks up the value set in SVC_REDIS_HOST and passes it along.

Developing Locally

Once you have installed the wercker-cli and the above required software, you can start the app locally:

$ npm install && wercker dev --publish 3000

After npm installs modules (you only need to do this the first time), you should see the following output when the app is ready:

--> Running step: watch
--> Reloading on file changes
--> Reloading
--> Forwarding to 3000 on the container.
2016-02-15T15:24:08.776Z hzkou4u4otct/1455549848718/35/- INFO hello Seneca/1.1.0/hzkou4u4otct/1455549848718/35/-
App listening on port 3000

Verify everything is working:

$ curl -XGET
{"entity$":"-/-/movie","title":"Blue Velvet","year":1989,"director":"David Lynch","id":"d03b4790-a12a-4ef3-8f37-771cbe428066"}

The service simply looks up a movie by title and outputs the Seneca entity JSON. If you change a file, Wercker's internal/watch step will automagically reload the application on file change, which is handy when developing locally.

What's Next?

In the next part of this tutorial, we will cover Wercker's build and deploy pipelines.
